1971 CE , Ship Numbers provided by Rick Couch 6/19/11
Miller 382
Hall 467 = uh1h 66-16467
Mahar 031
Cawthon, Roy545= 67-17545 Roy is Deceased
Thopkins 590
Docktor, Daryl 781= uh1h 67-17781
Vierra (Frenchy) 531= uh1h 69-15531
Smith, Keith 089
Aribas 743
56-02084 H-21 8TH TRANS 61-62
7/15/62 this ship was shot down during a recon mission.
KIA were : CW2 Goldberg, Joseph A., SP5 Lane, James E. and SP5 Guthrie, Harold L
Carl Vogel has a picture of the ship with it’s AC and Crew chief per email 11/08/09
Allred, James Herbert(P) KIA :Per. VHPA